This study aims to critically analyze the movie Tilik through a gender psychological perspective. Through a qualitative literature methodology, the analysis results in the following findings: (1) the movie preserved the bias of equality in the audiences head. Women are portrayed as gossipers and seducers for other peoples husbands. This imagery forms a negative stereotype of women. The movie had presented symbolic violence and perpetuated gender stereotyping by taking female actors, the setting, and the conversations that were built; (2) the movie showed a psychological phenomenon of society in general that experienced a self-defense mechanism through a projection. What the mothers rumored about the figure of Dina represented a self-defense mechanism of society, in general, to vent the impulses of personal fear on objects outside themselves, in defensive ways. Dinas sociable figure posed a potential threat to women who fear their husbands would be seduced by other women like Dina; (3) the movie affirmed Brizendines research on The Female Brain showing that female and male brain hormones are different. Girls tend to speak faster and pronounce more complex words and sentences than boys. Women speak 20,000 words per day compared to men who speak only 7,000 words a day. More testosterone hormone in mens brains compared to womens brains may cause this, which makes men less chatter while women have eight super-fast pathways to process emotions through words and devote more brain cells to speech. That is why the women imagined in the movie preferred to talk more than men.
Keywords : Gender, Psychology, Movie, Stereotype, Self-Defence Mechanism, and Brain
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