The minister of tourism regulation no. 29, 2017 about the development of rural tourism, based provide opportunities for empowerment village in Kecamatan Cibalong to increase the economy value for the community. The role of academia in needed as triger on community empowerment. The adjusted with the character and the potential of local villages selected. The study was conducted in village sagara cibalong in that has a chance in the development of tourist adventure on land less productive. Potential Gurilaps tourism (mountain, forest, sea, beach and river) as asset yet to be increase in the village. A first course executed is the use of the potential of the land and a rubber plantation of Sumanding as a camping ground and revitalizing those kabarulem (tradition folk games). The concept of the development of which is in the form of the participation of the community, starting from the level of informing , delegated power , and consultation, from planning , the implementation of until evaluation .The program would be conducted upon an agreement between village government and community .The desire to develop and local potency in very large , even each ward of are very enthusiastic to directed into tourist village .Two spot tourist village prepared with matter the camp , adventure , and of traditional games .On the spot a kind of , his adventures and different game made a big chance the development of community empowerment in the Desa Sagara. The revitalization of traditional games done as application of law no. 5 2017 about the advancement of cultural. Kaulinan Barudak Urang Lembur (Kabarulem) overtime can be used as material in educate the community especially of children to introduce back play of children as sports , art , dexterity and taught the value of the togetherness , competition in of partnership to the achievement of a goal .This program should be in synergy with children to return to the experience, considering the area Desa Sagara with riches of natural resources is very possible to introduce and respect various of life in the back to nature in the community to be more broad
Keywords: community empowerment , participation , revitalization , adventure , back to nature
Full Text:
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