Sri Rustiyanti


Deconstruction is a way of reading text for strategy. In this case, the strategy in question is the dedication of Minangkabau local wisdom to ethnic aesthetics as a background of knowledge that is studied from nature to science through ethical and emic approaches. The Minang philosophy of alua patuik raso pareso in the context of this research refers to local wisdom in a transcendental context (logic, ethics, and aesthetics). The truthfulness of behavior based on the concept of cultural values is a kindness that will produce beauty in an order of harmony, grace, and harmony. Deconstruction is not only displayed in writing but also in all cultural statements because the statement is a text that already containing values, norms, ideology, and truth. Thus, it is not only limited to discourse studies, both oral and written, but also other forces that have effectively transformed the Minang philosophy into an archipelago ethnoesthetic. Deconstruction is a method of reading texts that will present various responses which are social constructs that have undergone a long historical journey. Deconstruction will produce newness (discovery), so it requires rational exploration and intellectual exploration without being bound by universally standardized rules. Therefore, it will create contradictions behind the concepts that have been attached to our beliefs and understandings to enrich our knowledge of ethnoesthetics.
Keywords: deconstruction, philosophy, ethnoesthetic, Indonesian folklore

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