Suharno Suharno, Mira Marlianti


This paper aims to describe the construction of a virtual fashion exhibition entitled Myth La Mode which was built from the learning of the Fashion Curator and Studio 4 (Carnival Costumes) courses in the Makeup and Clothing Study Program, Faculty of Art and Design of the Indonesian Cultural Arts Institute (ISBI) Bandung. This exhibition presents prototype Art of Costume (AOC-5) Mythological Creature which was constructed by the students themselves according to the Project Based Learning (PjBL) concept applied to the two courses. The exposure to the exhibition construction is quite important because it can be a reference for how to build an exhibition based on PjBL-based learning. Furthermore, so that this paper can comprehensively solve the problem, a descriptive correlational approach is used. The results of the study show that the construction of this virtual fashion exhibition is based on two pillars, namely PjBL prefactum and PjBL postfactum. PjBL prefactum underlies the concept and embodiment of the artwork to be exhibited, while PjBL postfactum underlies the execution of its virtual packaging and presentation.
Keywords: project based learning, virtual exhibition, prefactum, postfactum

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