Afri Wita, Agus Cahyana


Indonesian Cultural Arts Institute (ISBI) Bandung is a university possessing great potential to create independent entrepreneurs based on the competencies of its students. Three faculties which in total have ten study programs at ISBI Bandung have focuses either in the analysis or creation of works of art. Before the final exam, students should perform their work in the context of a studio course or other practice exams. Every year there are many students creative products which have economic value. However, the student entrepreneurship program at ISBI Bandung has not yet been planned. Most of the students creative products which can be directed and developed into entrepreneurial products still end up in a pile of documents. The main problem in entrepreneurship development at ISBI Bandung lies in the weakness on literacy of business arts and culture for students. One of them is shown from the low awareness of the potential possessing by most of the students to be developed into a product or service having sale value and good impact on society. Besides, another important problem is the lack of facilitation, mentoring, training, or the right method for entrepreneurship development at ISBI Bandung. This paper describes the CreatLOGIC Incubator program in strengthening business literacy in arts and culture, especially for ISBI Bandung students. Fundamental knowledge with a social entrepreneurship approach is designed to be workshop material to improve business literacy in arts and culture at ISBI Bandung. Strengthening business literacy through this routine training program fosters awareness and knowledge of students to play a role in cultural arts and culture entrepreneurship which is based on knowledge, not merely an instinct.
Keywords: bussiness literacy, art and culture, incubator, enterpreneurship, ISBI Bandung

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