Anandhita Alvina Damayanti, Martien Roos Nagara


“Contemporary Painting by Andie Aradhea”. This issue focuses on the background of Andie Aradhea contemporary painting, why Andie Aradhea is decorative and contemporary, and the aesthetic forms of contemporary painting by Andie Aradhea. The purpose of this research is to understand and explain the background of contemporary paintings by Andie Aradhea, to understand and to explain and analyze the aesthetics of contemporary paintings by Andie Aradhea. The method of this research uses qualitative methods. Research location at Painting Studio & Creative Art Wening 459 Cimahi, West Java. Data is obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis uses the interaction of analysis with Dharsono Soni Kartika’s art criticism approach, to find out the anesthetics using Monroe Beardsley’s aesthetic theory. The results of the research show the concern of the adventure of an artist to the people.

Keywords: Background, Contemporary, Decorative, Aesthetics.


Seni lukis kontemporer karya Andie Aradhea ini memfokuskan permasalahan pada bagaimana latar belakang seni lukis kontemporer, mengapa seni lukis Andie Aradhea bergaya dekoratif dan kontemporer, bagaimana bentuk estetik seni lukis kontemporer karya Andie Aradhea. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memahami dan menjelaskan latar belakang seni lukis kontemporer, memahami dan menjelaskan serta menganalisis estetika seni lukis kontemporer Andie Aradhea. Metode atau langkah-langkah penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Lokasi penelitian di Studio Lukis & Ruang Seni Cipta Wening 459 Cimahi, Jawa Barat. Data yang diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan dan interpretasi analisis dengan pendekatan kritik seni Dharsono Sony Kartika, untuk mengetahui makna estetiknya menggunakan teori estetika Monroe Beardsley. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kepedulian rasa cinta perjalanan
seorang seniman.

Kata Kunci: Latar belakang, Kontemporer, Dekoratif, Estetika.


Agus Sachari, dkk. (2001). Wacana Transformasi Budaya. Bandung: Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Dharsono. (2014). Kritik Seni. Bandung:Rekayasa Sains.



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