Cultural Arts International Journal 2023-09-12T15:37:47+07:00 Agus Cahyana, S.Sn.,M.Sn Open Journal Systems <p>Cultural art International Journal (CAIJ) is an International journal on culture and arts published annually on October. CAIJ is published under Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) of Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia (ISBI) bandung. CAIJ publishes manuscripts and atworks with multidiplicinary approach. The artworks should be in the form of scientific video. The Article should be written in English. The issues cover Performing arts, Fine Arts and Design, Culture &amp; Media, as well as Creativity &amp; Art Studies.</p><p> <strong>Email :</strong></p> CREATIVITY AND LEARNING PROCESS IN VISUAL LANGUAGE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD 2023-09-12T15:10:12+07:00 Martien Roos Nagara Children have unique perspectives and perceptions when expressing their ideas and imagination through drawings. However, some children only have particular objects in their minds, such as mountains, trees, and houses, despite having many other objects around them that they can express in an image. Thus, this research focuses on boosting children’s creative abilities in expressing their ideas with various items. This research was conducted at Santo Yusup II Kindergarten in Bandung using descriptive qualitative research methods and purposive sampling techniques. This research found that the process of a child capturing an object involves both external and internal communication. Children observe, respond to, and analyze things around them through their five senses and represent their experiences and intuitions through creative images. An enjoyable creative process, where children are directly involved in new situations, boosts their enthusiasm and receptiveness in acquiring knowledge. Keywords: creativity, learning, drawing, communication, early childhood 2023-09-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Cultural Arts International Journal SUSTAINABLE CULTURAL TOURISM MANAGEMENT: A CASE STUDY OF NYADRAN KALI TRADITION 2023-09-12T15:02:51+07:00 Rufus Goang Swaradesy Dara Bunga Rembulan Kandri Village is a village in Gunung Pati District, Semarang Regency, Central Java known for its potential in art and cultural tourism, particularly the tradition of Nyadran Kali. The management of this tourist village is carried out by the younger generation, setting an example for a sustainable culture. This research follows a qualitative approach with data collection methods of observation, interviews, and literature studies. The observations were conducted during the Nyadran Kali ceremony, involving several key informants, including community leaders, youth leaders, and pokdarwis managers. The data obtained were analyzed and compiled into written form along with the researchers’ recommendations for the development of Kandri Village’s tourism management. Journals related to sustainable cultural tourism management serve as secondary sources to strengthen the data. The study’s results show that Kandri Village has been successfully managing its cultural potential in a sustainable manner. This management involves active participation from village officials, youth, and various units, such as BKM, Pokdarwis, etc. Keywords: Nyadran Kali, Sustainable Culture, Kandri’s Tourism Management 2023-09-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Cultural Arts International Journal BATIK PAHAKH: THE TRANSFORMATION OF TRADISIONAL TOOL IN THE NGEJALANG CEREMONY INTO BATIK PATTERN 2023-09-12T15:06:42+07:00 Hadi Kurniawan This research is the writer’s expression of the preservation of pahakh, a tool in the Ngejalang ceremony performed by the society on the West Coast of Lampung. It aims to produce batik patterns inspired by pahakh used in the Ngejalang ceremony. The research used the method of data sources and three-stage artwork creation, namely exploration, design, and embodiment. The form of pahakh had gone through stylization techniques to produce alternative designs to batik patterns. This research had reported the production of three hand-drawn batik designs: pahakh kunyikh, pahakh bikhu, and pahakh ujaou. Hopefully, this study can give insights to people about pahakh with its meaning and philosophy. Thus, it raises their awareness about the preservation of this legacy. This creation also enriches the repertoire of Indonesian batik culture diversity. Keywords: Hand-drawn batik, Pahakh, Lampung, Artwork creation. 2023-09-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Cultural Arts International Journal IMPLEMENTATION OF WEAVING TECHNIQUE ON MEN’S READY-TO-WEAR FASHION PRODUCTS 2023-09-12T15:15:10+07:00 Dede Ananta Weaving craft is a form of creativity in creating various kinds of products. Weaving techniques not only use natural materials such as rattan, bamboo, and pandan leaves but can also use non-natural materials, one of which is a textile fabric that can be applied to men’s ready-to-wear fashion products. Given the high market demand for male fashion products that require a new touch to be more dynamic and keep up with the times. Therefore, there is potential in the weaving technique that can be applied to clothing, especially to preserve the weaving technique and offer a fresh look for men’s fashion products to the market. Given that the weaving technique is also a basic technique used in making a piece of cloth but the process of making the cloth is assisted by a tool called a non-machine loom or ATBM and gedog manually. Therefore, the focus of this research is to find out the opportunities for applying the woven technique to men’s ready-to-wear fashion products and preserving the woven technique as a handicraft. This research was conducted using qualitative methods and analyzed through literature study and indirect observation. This research created a design concept and exploration of the woven techniques using fabric materials applied to men’s ready-to-wear fashion products that have cultural, functional, aesthetic, and marketable values. Keywords: Weaving, Fashion Product, Ready-To-Wear 2023-09-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Cultural Arts International Journal SPIRITUALITY OF THE ART OF TEREBANG SEJAK OF DUKUH TRADITIONAL VILLAGE 2023-09-12T15:19:16+07:00 Nani Sriwardani Reiza D. Dienaputra Nyai Kartika Susi Machdalena Iip S Hidayana Dukuh Traditional Village is one of the traditional villages in West Java that is closely related to various rituals. In this village, Islam is the belief that they adhere to, with the Quran and Hadith as a way of life in carrying out various activities, socializing, and worshiping. One of the activities based on this belief is the art of Terebang Sejak. The songs in this performance are collaborative expressions of understanding religiosity and local wisdom. Currently, Terebang Sejak is also performed at public events such as weddings, welcoming guests, and other events inside and outside the Dukuh Traditional Village. This study aims to provide an overview of the spirituality of the Terebang Sejak since it is included in the art series based on the beliefs it adheres to in the Dukuh Traditional Village. The method used is a qualitative descriptive approach using literature, field data sources, and interviews with Dukuh artists. As a result, spiritual reflections were found in the series of art from Terebang Sejak. This research is expected to contribute to knowledge, and the preservation of the Terebang Sejak art originated from the Dukuh Traditional Village. Keywords: spirituality, the art of Terebang Sejak, Dukuh Traditional Village 2023-09-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Cultural Arts International Journal REINTERPRETATION OF TURI PUTIH SONG BY SUNAN KALIJAGA IN CHINESE METICULOUS PAINTING 2023-09-12T15:22:00+07:00 Farid Kurniawan Noor Zaman Wu Jian Shan The Turi Putih is a Javanese song composed by Sunan Kalijaga. Currently, The Turi Putih song popularity has decreased and is no longer well known. The Turi Putih song has a deep spiritual meaning for Indonesian Muslim. This research tries to visualize the Turi Putih song in the Chinese meticulous painting technique. This research used a qualitative descriptive analysis and semiotics approach. The result of this study is an artwork that represents of the Turi Putih song by Sunan Kalijaga. In this painting, several objects containing symbols of death are displayed. The turi putih is the symbol of the pocong, the kedasih is the bird that brings death news, and the besurek batik is used to cover the corpse. The results of this research-creation are expected to enrich the treasure of global art diversity that continues to grow. Keywords: Reinterpretation, Turi Putih Song, Sunan Kalijaga, Chinese Meticulous Painting. 2023-09-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Cultural Arts International Journal VISUAL ELEMENTS OF DOGDOG, A TRADITIONAL ART IN CIKARAHA VILLAGE, TASIKMALAYA REGENCY 2023-09-12T15:30:02+07:00 Asep Miftahul Falah Ade Ayu Puspita Munawaroh Modernization causes a change in the mindset of society to become more modern. It can affect the public interest in preserving Indonesian traditional arts. For example, Dogdog–a traditional art, is increasingly marginalized nowadays. This study aims to present an overview of the visualization of Dogdog and its development in Cikaraha Tasikmalaya Village amid modernization turmoil. This study used an ethnographic approach, which is the process of naturally collecting data or information to find out the condition of the community concerned. The discussion in this study focuses on the history, visual or visual elements, characteristics, cultural values, and the development and efforts of the community in maintaining and preserving traditional art. The study results show that the Dogdog in Cikaraha Village functions as a ritual means to express gratitude to God and as a means of entertainment. Keywords: Visual elements, Dogdog Art, Cikaraha Village, Traditional Art 2023-09-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Cultural Arts International Journal INTERPRETATION OF RAMAYANA STORY IN A CYBORG COSTUME 2023-09-12T15:37:47+07:00 Nadia Rachmaya Ningrum Budiono The Ramayana epic, an Indian work of literature, was reproduced in the Javanese language and even adapted to the Javanese cultural background. Its Javanese version stops at the part where Sita is brought back to Ayodhya and Rama is crowned as King. The moral values in the story are still relevant to today’s modern life, especially the younger generation; therefore, the meaning of Ramayana story in the cyborg costume becomes significant. The result of the transformation of the form of the costume in the Ramayana story into a cyborg costume as well as the essence inside is expected to be able to become a critical reflection on the importance of moral values in society, especially in modern society. The creation method used is exploration, design, and embodiment. Keywords: Interpretation of Ramayana stories, Ramayana Stories, cyborg costumes Copyright (c) 2023 Cultural Arts International Journal