The routine for the people of Banten, especially the Serang region, in commemoration of the birth of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W, was held in the tradition of “panjang mulud” or “ngeropok”. This tradition grew and developed in the community both in the villages, in umahan and in large events carried out by the local government. Panjang mulud with egg ornaments and other ornamentations at the front store of each house before being taken and paraded by the local community, it is said that according to the Serang community when participating in carrying out the Panjang Mulud tradition will get blessings. This activity is not solely for certain pleasures, but this activity is a form of gratitude to the Prophet as Muslims by giving alms.
Keywords: Banten community routine in commemoration of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Rutinitas bagi masyarakat Banten khususnya wilayah Serang, dalam rangka memperingati kelahiran Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, di selenggarakan tradisi panjang mulud atau “ngeropok“. Tradisi ini tumbuh dan berkembang di masyarakat baik di kampung-kampung, di umahan maupun event besar yang di laksanakan pemerintah setempat. Panjang mulud dengan hiasan telur dan ornamentasi lainnya di simpan depan rumah masing-masing sebelum di ambil dan diarak oleh masyarakat setempat, konon menurut masyarakat Serang apabila ikut serta dalam melaksanakan tradisi panjang mulud akan mendapat keberkahan. Kegiatan ini bukan semata-mata untuk kesenangan tertentu saja, akan tetapi kegiatan ini merupakan suatu bentuk rasa syukur kepada Nabi sebagai umat muslim dengan cara bersedekah.
Kata Kunci: Rutinitas masyarakat Banten dalam rangka memperingati kelahiran Nabi Muhammad SAW.
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