Drama Tragedi: Dari Aristoteles hingga Arthur Miller

Ipit Saefidier Dimyati



This paper attempts to reformulate the meaning or definition of tragedy, a form of drama and literature, from Aristotle to Arthur Miller. The main purpose of this paper is to answer questions such as the following: What is a tragedy? What elements are present in the tragedy? How is the development of the concept of tragedy? To answer these questions, in this paper a qualitative method is used, with data collection techniques through searching the literature that is considered important and relevant. One of the most important writings is the writings of Aristotle entitled "Poetics". The writing is the main reference in formulating the concept of tragedy. There are many things that have not been revealed in this study, such as expressing the rejection of the concept of tragedy by theatre thinkers. It seems that, to complete this paper, it would be better if later there were researchers or writers who tried to examine this matter.

Key Words: Tragedy, Aristotle, Arthur Miller, Poetics.

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ISSN Jurnal Katarsis: Jurnal Ilmiah Seni Teater

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