Konsep Penyutradaraan Drama “BUJUR SANGKAR” Karya Iwan Simatupang

Khevin Lalenoh, Fathul Anshori Husein



This article is about the concept of directing the drama "Bulan Bujur Sangkar" by Iwan Simatupang. The author's interest in this text, because its creation is a universal human problem, namely the problem of clashing between wrong and right, good and bad, and right and relative. The problem of this drama is a philosophical issue that has always been a debate that has never been resolved until now. In addition, because the drama script is in the absurd genre, the cultivation of this script is full of
challenges. Other people may consider it 'heavy', but there are also those who consider it 'light'. In the writer's work, these popular assumptions were dismissed, because actually in the production of a theatrical performance basically there are different challenges, so heavy and light are not an appropriate division for works of art.

Keywords: Iwan Simatupang, absurd, philosophical, theatrical performance

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ISSN Jurnal Katarsis: Jurnal Ilmiah Seni Teater

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