THE SYSTEM Stanislavski dan THE METHOD Strasberg

Cerly Chairani Lubis



This article will explore certain parts of the development of Konstantin Stanislavski's (Russian) acting teachings 'The System', along with its basic elements, as the protoplasm of the birth and growth of various other acting techniques and methods, as well as their impact on Lee Strasberg's 'The Method' acting method developing in America. Intended as nothing more than knowledge and training guidance for acting
students (the art of acting). Apart from that, as a useful guide when it is not easy to understand and imagine the series of acting training processes and the character (character/role) creation process. Furthermore, this article wants to conduct a small
comparative study between Stanislavski's 'The System' acting teachings and the development method carried out by one of his students and successors, in America, namely Lee Strasberg's 'The Method'. Also to see and understand the similarities or strengths between the two, apart from certain practice points that make the two feel different. Then how can acting students see, understand and imagine these differences
as a gift of breadth or even ease to enter the realm of practice 'in nature' of these methods with more brilliant and effective achievements.

Keywords: The System, The Method, Actors Work, Characters Work

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