Desain Visual Typografy pada Busana Casual T-Shirts dan Budaya Pop

Annita Komariati Prihandayani


Studies on the typography transformation has historically experienced a shift in meaning, function, value, and form. Starting from casual clothes that can only be used for everyday clothing to semi-formal ones. The casual dress emphasizes comfort and personal expression over the presentation and uniformity of one's dress, which includes jeans and t-shirts. To examine these problems, a qualitative descriptive method is applied with a historical approach related to pop culture in modern society. The literature and feld analysis by using Levi-Strauss theory can help fnding answers in surface structure research (Surface Structure). It shows that, the typography in casual clothing has changed, according to fashion trends. While in the inner structure (Deep Structure), typography which is related to meaning and value, has no changes.

Keywords: Transformation, Popular Culture, Typography, Casual fashion


Transformation, Popular Culture, Typography, Casual fashion

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