Musik Krakatau: Identitas Musik Tradisi Dalam Konsepsi Musik Kolaborasi

Agus Sukarna Diputra


The existence of the Krakatau music group in the development of
Sundanese music traditional (karawitan) has a unique dimension,
in the sense that it "goes out" of the Sundanese music traditional
form as a tradition but at the same time it reinforces the identity of
traditional (Sundanese) music in a global context. The study in this
paper describes the creative process, and the role of collaboration
music, especially Krakatau collaboration music in relation to the
flow of popular culture and the preservation of local culture.
The conclusions from the study in this paper formulate that
collaborative music operates in two areas, namely the area of
idealism (creativity and identity of the Sundanese tradition) and
the commercial area. In the end, these two roles become
interrelated because the profit generated from their role in the
music industry is one of the supporting factors for the
sustainability of the collaborative music works themselves.


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