has been designated by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural
Heritage. Pencak silat in West Java is not only categorized as a
martial sport, but also as one of the arts. Pencak silat in the context
of performing arts is often called Kendang Penca (from the
perspective of musical aesthetics) and Ibing Penca (from the
perspective of dance aesthetics). The focus of this article is to
describe the variety of tepak ciwaringinan patterns in the pencak
silat family in Bandung. The consideration is that these songs and
tepak no longer appear in every kendang penca performance, it can
be said that their existence is starting to become extinct. In this
article, the author uses a qualitative approach from Jhon W.
Creswell by collecting data through observation, documentation,
and interviews. After the data is obtained, the author then analyzes
the data to test the truth of the data.
This article discusses an overview of pencak silat as a performing
art, the musical accompaniment of pencak silat in Bandung, and a
description of the Ciwaringinan tepak pattern in pencak silat. The
article concludes that pencak silat is one of the most important
aspects of the performing arts in Indonesia, especially in West Java.
Aesthetically, pencak silat generally consists of the aesthetics of the
Pencak Silat dance form (ibing penca), music aesthetics
(karawitan), and traditional fashion aesthetics. In addition, the
findings in this study are that there are a variety of Ciwaringinan
tepak patterns that have not been recognized by the public.
Full Text:
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26742/paraguna.v10i2.2948
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