Irna Mustikawati


This research was conducted to find a way or framework for
creating children’s songs using Sundanese musical aesthethics of
Sundanese Karawitan contained in it are the creation of childrens
songs in Sundanee Karawitan notation (Da Mi Na Ti La) with the
rules contained in Sundanese karawitan such as the use of
Sundanese musical notation, use of tunings, rurupan, as well as
Sundanese vocal ornamentation (dongkari/senggol) that will be
sung. Simply in a children’s song. This research is a forum for
researches to practice directly the courses that researches have
taken, namely the Sundanese notation system and song literature.
This research uses a qualitative method which uses the researcher
as the main instrument by obtaining data through libraries, audio,
visual and audio-visual data and taking two stages of work,
namely, working in the field (fieldwork), then processing it to the
stage of working on a table (deskwork).
This research basically aims to increase literacy regarding the
creation of children’s songs using Sundanese musical aesthetics.
Apart from that, this research aims to find techniques or ways to
create children’s songs that use Sundanese musical aesthetics. To
obtain tjis framework, the researcher conducted an analysis of
childrens songs in Sundanese karawitan as well as interviews and
cosultations with these figures before realizing what the researchers
had obtained from these figures into a form of song notation.
Children use Sundanese musical aesthetics. This research will
produce a children’s song that is put into Sundanese notation with
the theme that researchers have been looking for, namely “Getting
to know Sundanese Karawitan”. More specifically, the
resarcharcher created childrens songs by introducing one of the
musical instruments found in sundanese karawitan, namely the
Sundanese gamelan. This theme aims to increase children’s
knowledge of musical instruments and the arts of Sundanese
karawitan. Research investigating techniques for creating
children’s songs in the pelog style and translated to Sundanese


Technique; Creation; Children’s songs; Sundanese; Karawitan

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