Relasi Ibing dan Tepak Kendang: Studi Kasus Pada Perbedaan Musikal Tiga Paguron Pencak Silat Panglipur, Gajah Putih, dan Budhi Kancana


  • riky oktriyadi
  • gempur sentosa


relationshio, musicality, ibing, kendang, tepak


The research titled “Relation between Ibing and Tepak Kendang: A Case Study on the Musical Differences of Three Silat Pagurons; Panglipur, Gajah Putih, and Budhi Kancana” is an interactive study of tepak kendang playing patterns. (textual-contextual) study of tepak kendang playing patterns. The textual study focuses on the musicality of the tepak kendang. musicality, while contextual is focused on the relationship between tepak kendang and ibing penca in each paguron.

The data used in this This research consists of qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data in the form of musical and ibing relationships based on the emic point of view of the performers in the 3 (three) paguron that became the art in 3 (three) paguron which became the subject of research. Meanwhile, the data quantitative data is in the form of notations of drumming in the structure of silat performances in three different pagurons. 3 (three) different paguron. From the quantitative data in the form of notation, then from the quantitative data in the form of notation, a comparison was made of the drumming patterns in Paguron Panglipur, Gajah Putih, and Budi Kancana. The urgency of this research to see the ibing relationship in each paguron with musical consequences built in order to fulfill the aesthetic needs of ibing penca which is directly related to the aesthetics of tepak kendang. with the aesthetics of tepak kendang. With this research, the correlative relationship between musicality and ibing can be mapped. musicality and ibing, so that it can be The importance of maintaining the values in ibing penca cannot be separated from the musicality in tepak kendang



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How to Cite

oktriyadi, riky ., & sentosa, gempur. (2024). Relasi Ibing dan Tepak Kendang: Studi Kasus Pada Perbedaan Musikal Tiga Paguron Pencak Silat Panglipur, Gajah Putih, dan Budhi Kancana. Paraguna, 11(1). Retrieved from

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