Suhardi Suhardi


The modern world and its rapidly growing technology take on many roles in our social world. The influence of the technology is not only impacted personally but also socially in this case the education field. Multimedia Nusantara University is an ICTbased college (Information, Communication, and Technology) that encourages its students to participate in contributing to technological developments. One example
is by presenting an academic application, namely UMN Mobile App. But the app has a number of problems that result in low usage rates. So the formula of the problem is how to improve the usage level of the application by redesigning the content and the interface of the application. The research methodology used is mix method including observation, focus group discussion, and interview to user. The results to
be achieved through this research is the increased level of application usability by creating application content that suits the needs of students. The application is expected to support the academic process of students and can be an important part in the student's academic life while still studying at UMN.

Keyword : User experience, User interface, mobile apps, academics

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