Santi Susanti, Kismiyati Elkarimah


It is not easy to maintain traditional dance art nowadays. Influences came easily by technology and contribute to driving the passion of younger generation from traditional art to contemporary art. However, modernity should not be avoided. Traditional art could make an adaptation of the present situation. Indrawati Lukman, a Sundanese classical dance maestro and founder of Studio Indra Dance (STI) adaptive to the situation. A number of innovations were developed in traditional Sundanese dance she learned from her teacher as well as the dance she created as a choreographer, to preserve the art in the midst of globalization. Phenomenology interpretive thinking used and in-depth interviews chosen as the main method of data collection. The results obtained that classical and modernity can be united without eliminating the inherent identity as a dance of Sundanese tradition. Changes in motion, music, costumes and duration of the dance performed to maintain the continuity of Sundanese classical dance. Good communication with internal and external circles helped strengthen the effort. A strong mentality is needed to deal with the worst possibility that will be faced with the continuity of traditional dance art preservation.

Keywords: Preservation of traditional dance, innovation, communication

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