Ratnadewi Ratnadewi, Ariesa Pandanwangi, Agus Prijono, Goldfrid Thomas, Steven Setiawan Nugroho


One of Indonesias cultural heritages that is still developing today is batik. The wealth of batik can be seen from the various batik motifs in Indonesia. Batik Parang as the oldest batik motif that is often found in the city of Surakarta and its surroundings. The Parang batik motif has been known and developed since the days of the Mataram Surakarta palace. Batik Parang was often used at opening ceremonies during the royal era. The Parang batik motif is dominated by a dark brown color and the design of this motif follows a diagonal line with carvings on each boundary. The name Parang comes from the word Pereng which means slopes. In accordance with the meaning of the word, the Parang batik motif is shaped like a slope down from a high position to a diagonally lower position. The Parang batik motif in the research here will be documented in the form of a program so that it can be stored in digital form. The method used in making batik parang motifs is the turtle graphics method. The Turtle graphics method is based on the motion of the turtle which can move forward, rotate to the right, or turn left. With this simple method combined with mathematical calculations, lines are formed that are the edges of the batik motif, so that by adjusting the direction of the turtles motion, the Parang batik motif can be formed properly. In this research, a program has been designed to form the Parang batik motif, with documentation in digital form it is hoped that the preservation of the art and culture of batik will be eternal and continue to grow.
Keywords : digitalization batik, batik parang, turtle graphics

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