Photobook Siti Kewe The Highland Of Gayo

Muhammad Irfan Nugraha Kamil Abdullah


The producint of ethno-graphy photobook of Siti Kewe: The Highland of Gayo is the representation of life cycle of coffee seed and the struggle of arabica coffee farmers in Gayo Highland. Coffee has become a significant part in the life of Gayo tribe in Middle Aceh. Moreover, it also becomes the way Gayo peole live. Gayo coffee has become the identity of the Gayo tribe. The photobook is produced through the ethnographic approach involving the artist or the photographer who is also the part of the subjects life. The photobook is designed into a 20 x 25cm book with colorful paper to show the elegance. The ethnography photobook Siti Kewe: The Highland of Gayo becomes the narrative and visual medium in documenting the tradition of Gayo people in Middle Aceh in their behavior toward arabica coffee and their understanding values toward the viewpoint of Gayo people. The culture documentation may bridge the future generation not to loss values.

Keywords: ethno-photography, photobook, Gayo coffee

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Panggayo Ari Emun Bengi, (34 tahun), petani kopi Gayo, wawancara tanggal 12 september 2018 di Koffie Anan Umah Djamu, Jl Bebesen Raya, Kabupaten Aeh Tengah.

Iwanjuni, (39 Tahun), pemilik kebun dan prosesor kopi, wawancara tanggal 27 desember 2017 di Musara Alun, Kabupaten Aceh Tengah.

Win Hasnawy, (42 Tahun), Owner Qertoev Coffee Roastery, wawancara tanggal 3 mei 2016 dan 20 desember 2016 di Qertoev Coffee Roastery Jl. Menjangan no. 16, Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan.



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