Beynon Masculinity: Puya ke Puya and the Trilogy of Darah Emas

Resti Nurfaidah


This article entitled Beynon Masculinity: Puya ke Puya and The Trilogy of Darah Emas explored that there were masculinity issues on those novels. By descriptive analysis and applying Beynon key factors concept which shapes masculinity, the article gives basic description that masculinity had many variations. It depends on these Beynons key factors: historical location, geographical location, age and physique, sexual orientation, education, status and lifestyles, ethnicity, religion and beliefs, culture and subcultures, as well as class and occupation. As the result, there were massive masculinity, but it was not homogeny. The two main factors, historical and geographical locations were the longest line on shaping masculinities because of histories traces of their ancestors. The others were age and physique, ethnicity, status and lifestyles, class and occupation, also culture and subculture had come later into the mens lifes. However, the last three factors, sexual orientation, education, also religion and beliefs were not dominant because of lacking informations about them on the stories.

Keywords: Beynon, masculinity, tradition, key, factors.

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