Dian Amaliasari


This research is titled Dudukuy Pelentung and Women. This poem is one of kakawihanpoetry that tells about women in Sundanese culture. Functional-wise, kakawihan poetry is not only meant to entertain, but also possess didactic aspects that are heavy with valuable moral lessons that the public, especially children, needs to hear. This research is conducted through a descriptive analysis using Charles Sanders Pierces semiotic theory which formulates a triadic concept: ground, object, and interpretant. Based on this theory, the analysis will focus on signs, such as representamen, which consists ofqualisign, sinsign, and legisign; denotatum which consists of icon, index, and symbol; andinterpretant which consists of rheme, decisign, and argument. The result of this research shows that there are many icons contained inside the poem Dudukuy Pelentung which presents the role of mothers as a guardian and a live-giver for her children.

Keywords: kakawihan, dudukuy pelentung, Sundanese women

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