Journal History

ATRAT name is taken from Sundanese which means clear. The word is often used to describe a visual object through textual/ oral explanations. In 2013, Atrat as a journal was initiated by the Department of Visual Arts (Dip. 3), Prodi of Makeup and Clothing (Dip. 4), and Fine Arts (Bach.) Indonesia School of Arts (STSI) Bandung with funding sources taken from self-supporting lecturers. In 2014, STSI Bandung changed its status to Indonesia Institute of Arts & Culture (ISBI) Bandung, so that its management then transferred to Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD) ISBI Bandung.

Atrat is a Journal of Fine Arts containing scientific papers on Fine Arts, which include Fine Art and Designs. Issue periodically 3 numbers in one volume per year. Atrat also embodies the results of various forms of scientific research as well as the creation of artworks, which can become new knowledge published in scientific articles, so it is worthy to be read and understood by readers. Atrat aims to provide land to Artists, Designers, Art Students, Teachers/ Lecturers, and Fine Arts Society to exchange insights.

In order to improve the quality, in 2014 - 2016 we continue to reorganize the standardization of scientific journal writing. In 2018 we changed the logo and the front and back cover, in the hope of a more typical identity associated with the characteristics of ISBI Bandung which prioritizes aspects of Nusantara Traditional Culture.