
  • Sella Sabrina Matin Universitas Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
  • Widianto Satrio Aji Universitas Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
  • Martien Roos Nagara Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia Bandung, Indonesia



icon, language, logo


Language is one of the key aspects of human life that plays a vital role in communication and social
interaction. An in-depth study of the structure and function of language is important for understanding
the complex dynamics in society. This research aims to explore and analyze the Language Icons in the
Logos of Bandung City Cultural Advancement Objects. This research adopts a qualitative descriptive
method involving researchers who use themselves as the main tool to examine the condition of natural
objects. Data collection involves triangulation, which is the integration of many methodologies. The
Bandung College of Technology student team has collaborated with the Bandung City Culture and
Tourism Office in designing 10+1 OPK logos and icons in accordance with Law No. 5 of 2017 concerning
Cultural Advancement, as an effort to preserve and maintain Bandung city culture in accordance with
city regional regulations Bandung Number 7 of 2023. It is hoped that the design of the OPK Logo
and Icon will make it easier for the public to understand and study all forms of culture in the city of


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How to Cite

Matin, S. S., Aji, W. S., & Nagara, M. R. (2024). ANALISIS IKON BAHASA DALAM LOGO OBJEK PEMAJUAN KEBUDAYAAN KOTA BANDUNG. ATRAT: Jurnal Seni Rupa, 12(1), 1–10.

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