Anandhita Alvina Damayanti, Asep Miftahul Falah


This research is based on the emergence of Cimahi Batik as
an identity of the city in the context of its 8th anniversary,
which took place on June 21, 2009. The culture and natural
resources of the town of Cimahi inspofCimahi batik. One
of the motifs that characterize Cimahi batik is the Cirendeu
motif. The inhabitants of the traditional village of Cirendeu
are known to consume cassava and Sunda Wiwitan beliefs.
So far, the development of Cirendeu batik motifs has been
inspired only by culture and natural sources of inspiration,
especially as inspiration for batik motifs and colors. The
research uses qualitative methods because the object of
the study is to understand and interpret the meaning of
Cirendeu batik motifs, which aim to develop the concept
of sensitivity to discuss the problems encountered, explain
the reality related to the pursuit of theory from below, and
create an understanding of the phenomena experienced.
This study also uses Edmund Burke Feldman’s theoretical
approach to art criticism. In this theory, four phases are
known in the analysis of the work: description, formal
analysis, interpretation, and evaluation. The results of
this research are the reappraisal and development of one
of the identities of Cimahi, namely batik, the reappraisal
and development of Cireundeu batik motifs, which
have outstanding natural and cultural potential, and the
uncovering of the symbolic meanings of color signs and
symbols, which are the characteristics of Cimahi batik.

Keywords: Motifs, Cimahi, Batik Cirendeu.

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