Dede Ananta


Weaving craft is a form of creativity in creating various kinds of products. Weaving techniques not only
use natural materials such as rattan, bamboo, and pandan leaves but can also use non-natural materials,
one of which is a textile fabric that can be applied to men’s ready-to-wear fashion products. Given the
high market demand for male fashion products that require a new touch to be more dynamic and keep
up with the times. Therefore, there is potential in the weaving technique that can be applied to clothing,
especially to preserve the weaving technique and offer a fresh look for men’s fashion products to the
market. Given that the weaving technique is also a basic technique used in making a piece of cloth but
the process of making the cloth is assisted by a tool called a non-machine loom or ATBM and gedog
manually. Therefore, the focus of this research is to find out the opportunities for applying the woven
technique to men’s ready-to-wear fashion products and preserving the woven technique as a handicraft.
This research was conducted using qualitative methods and analyzed through literature study and
indirect observation. This research created a design concept and exploration of the woven techniques
using fabric materials applied to men’s ready-to-wear fashion products that have cultural, functional,
aesthetic, and marketable values.
Keywords: Weaving, Fashion Product, Ready-To-Wear

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