Hanifah Nurul Muslimah, Asep Miftahul Falah


In Ciamis, batik was known around the 19th century after the Diponegoro war. To bring together batik artisans, the Batik Cooperative was established. In order to have a distinctive character, the cooperative launched a typical Ciamis motif, one of which is the most famous one, the Ciung Wanara motif. In the midst of modernization, the cooperative is still carrying out the manufacturing process to marketing as before, even though the land is getting narrower. Ciamis Batik an cooperatives are increasingly shaky with the presence of batik print. Because of its presence, the disappearance of Ciamis Batik has become something that must be presented to the public. Ciamis Batik needs to be maintained its existence and sustainability as a cultural asset of the Ciamis area. On the other hand, cooperative also continue to make efforts to keep cooperatives running.

Keywords: Existence, Ciamis batik, cooperative


Di Ciamis, batik dikenal sekitar abad 19 setelah peperangan Diponegoro. Untuk menghimpun para perajin batik, didirikanlah Koperasi Batik. Agar mempunyai ciri khas, koperasi meluncurkan motif khas Ciamis salah satunya yang paling terkenal adalah motif Ciung Wanara. Ditengah modernisasi, koperasi masih melakukan proses pembuatan sampai pemasaran seperti dahulu meskipun lahannya semakin sempit. Batik Ciamis dan koperasi semakin goyah dengan hadirnya batik print. Karena kehadirannya tersebut, semakin hilangnya keberadaan Batik Ciamis menjadi hal yang harus dipresentasikan kepada masyarakat. Batik Ciamis perlu dipertahankan eksistensi dan kelestariannya sebagai aset budaya daerah Ciamis. Di sisi lain, koperasi juga terus melakukan usaha untuk membuat koperasi tetapi berjalan.

Kata kunci: Eksistensi, Batik Ciamis, koperasi


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26742/atrat.v10i2.2104


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