Rita Tila


Beluk from the Indigenous People of Kasepuhan Cicarucub are still maintained by the community based
on their beliefs. The purpose of this research is to find out how the situation, events and functions of Beluk
by the community in preserving their culture. In this study, the authors use the ethnographic theory
of communication put forward by Dell Hymes. The method used in this research is qualitative with an
ethnographic communication approach. Data collection techniques through interviews and document
observation. To determine the informants used non-random sampling technique, namely purposive
sampling. The data validity test technique used is the data triangulation technique which consists of
interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique used is to describe the findings
in detail from the interpretation results, then draw conclusions on the research results obtained. The
conclusion is that Beluk art has a purpose for education, morals and manners. The function of outs and
outs in the traditional Kasepuhan Cicarucub community is a religious function, a social function and an
entertainment function.
Keywords: Function, Outline Art, Kasepuhan Cicarucub Indigenous People


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