products that have a strong basis in tradition. These creations appear from the artistic endeavors of
individual artists, independent studios, and craft-based industries. The scope of diversity extends beyond
the topic of the field of tradition, which includes a combination of technical abilities and materials used
for the creation of a piece, thus implementing a transformation of a local tradition into an innovative
and creative product. This article present an exhibition and analysis of independent studio and craftbased industries ceramics products that explore the theme of local Indonesian traditions through the
application of the The ATUMICS method is a way of Transformation Tradition that was introduced by
Adhi Nugraha. The study using the ATUMICS framework, which refers Artifact (A), Technique (T),
Utility (U), Material (M), Icon (I), Concepts (C) and Shape (S). These models were utilized to define
the components that were found in ceramics products originating from three different ceramic studio
or craft-based industries in Indonesia. The research results provide insight into which elements can be
applied and combined through the ATUMICS method to enhance local traditions in ceramics.
Keywords: ceramic, craft, product, tradition, atumics
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