Memahami Makna dan Tanda dalam Objek Visual Arsitektur Ruang Publik

Tendy Y. Ramadin, Deddy Mulyana


This brief study focuses on proxemic study approach for public spaces which brushed the reflec- tion of aspiration and collaboration of the artists, designers and their public as phenomenon on the spirit of today (zeitgeist). The study also reads the environmental effect on people’s habitude and its surroundings.

The study is intended to obtain facts about objects on public spaces ever-evolved, e.g. Cihampelas Avenue Bandung, to identify recent problems and practices implied on tendency of using visual sign as allure. It is also intended to compile ideas about visual signs through relevant proxemic study approach, so that it could be processed into temporary conclusion to advice entrepreneurs, local au- thorities, academics and commoners.

Keywords: public space, architecture, visual signs, communication science, proxemic approach



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Broadbent, Geofrey, et al.

Signs, Symbols, and Architecture.

New York: John Willey dan Sons

Deddy Mulyana

Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif: Pa- radigma Baru Ilmu Komunikasi dan Ilmu Sosial Lainnya. Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya

Indah Widiastuti

“Koridor Jeans Cihampelas & Ko- ridor Braga”, makalah tidak diter- bitkan, Program Magister Desain Program Pasca Sarjana ITB

Miles, Malcolm

Art for Public Place. Hampshire: Winchester School of Art Press.


“Proksemika/Semiotika Ruang se- bagai Sebuah Pendekatan untuk Penelitian Desain Interior”. Jurnal Lintas Ruang. ISI Yogyakarta.

Tendy Y. Ramadin

“Effect of Art for Public Spaces a- round Cihampelas District Bandung: a Deconstruction Semiotic Study”, IECI Chapter Japan Series Vol. 5

No. 1 (S-05)



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