Vol. 29 No. 1 (2019): Pegeseran Estetik Dalam Seni Budaya Tradisi Masa Kini

					View Vol. 29 No. 1 (2019): Pegeseran Estetik Dalam Seni Budaya Tradisi Masa Kini

Jurnal Panggung, in the first edition in 2019, brings the theme about “The Aesthetical Shifting in Current Traditional Arts and Culture”.  The theme suggests common issues found in the development of traditional arts in response to the changing era as shown in the seven articles published in this volume which covers various field of study including performing arts, anthropology, visual arts, and literary study. The intersection between tradition and modernity has been on going issues in various art forms and cultural practices in Indonesia including among traditional communities as discussed by Saepuloh and Wildan et. al. in presenting two different traditions in Belitung Island. The similar issue appears in Suhaeti’s work on Ronggeng Amen, a traditional dance in Pangandaran Regency which has undergone changes. Meanwhile in the area of music, Daryana et. al. examine Arumba as the development of traditional Angklung in West Java in a new form. In the area of craft, Irfan et. al. discuss the changes and development of traditional ceramics in Takalar South Sulawesi in the last 30 years. Further, Harissman et. al. bring the issue of the shift in functions and meanings of traditional house “Rumah Gadang” in Minangkabau into a beautiful painting. Last but not least, Samodro et. al. explore the dramatic structure of a traditional story of wayang wong “Mintaraga” presented by Wayang Wong Sriwedari group in Central Java.

Published: 2019-04-02
